Tio Tarzan

Created by Seb one month ago

I know you disliked the name, but you’ll always be Tio Tarzan to me. 
You were the most generous man I ever met, you would happily invite everyone to drink and eat and you’d be merry. You invited Papi and me to so many football games, Spain vs England (96 robbery) or the numerous Depor vs Arsenal games at Highbury and never wanted a penny in return but i cherish the memories and celebrations we had in the stand most.

Thank you introducing me to Supertramp and Torres Brandy, we spent many hours drinking and talking to the early hours in Portabello at Christmas. Thank you for teaching me to cook your Paella, theres never been a better one i have tasted and i know there wont be a better one ever. Im so sorry you didnt get to live your retirement dream in Betanzos Tio but you were so proud of your Town you came from.

No es Adios Tio, nada mas hasta luego…. Nos vemos, Chao Chao Tio, 💙💙
